Bill Murray Crashed a Couple's Engagement Photo, Because Why Not?

Jun 12 2014 - 9:01am

Bill Murray [1] crashed a young couple's engagement photo shoot in Charleston, SC, on Wednesday, officially raising the stakes in celebrity photobombing. According to the photographer, Raheel Gauba, he was shooting engaged couple Erick Rogers and Ashley Donald around town when he noticed that a man behind him was egging on the couple [2]. "I thought who the heck is bothering them," he said. "I turn around and it's Bill Murray with his shirt up, belly out, tapping his belly and trying to make them laugh." Like any good photographer, Raheel invited Bill to take a picture with the couple, which resulted in the snap above. This isn't the first time that Bill has gotten in the wedding spirit in Charleston — the actor recently crashed a bachelor party in the Southern town [3], where he gave the group of partying guys some advice on love.

Source: Facebook user FiaForever [4]

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