An Inspiring April Fools' Day Stunt Transforms a Homeless Shelter

Apr 1 2014 - 9:10am

When people headed to Glendale, CA's Ascencia homeless shelter for dinner on Monday, the meal was a far cry from what they'd expected. For a heartwarming twist on April Fools' Day pranks, Mediocre Films' Greg Benson pulled together an elaborate transformation, turning the shelter into a five-star restaurant complete with a big-name chef and elegant decor. Fifty surprised homeless people were served filet mignon and dessert before receiving gift bags, with several of them becoming emotional as they described eating their first-ever filet. One woman said, "We never get steak, homeless people." Another added, "I never in my life got treated like this. Never." Watch the moving video above, and find more inspiration with celebrity moments that will make you smile [1].

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