15 Problems Only People With Invisalign Understand

Invisalign is not for the faint of heart. It will challenge your commitment, stamina, and self-confidence. It takes what feels like a bazillion years to complete. It has a million annoying components . . . and yet, it does offer one huge payoff: perfectly straight teeth. Those with Invisalign will agree that these 15 problems come up on the regular during your treatment. And you know what makes suffering through something a tad bit better? Knowing you're not alone.


The trays really do feel like you are wearing plastic vampire teeth.

There's no doubt in your mind that they basically look like it, too.

Strangers always give you a confused stare when looking at your teeth.
Warner Bros.

Strangers always give you a confused stare when looking at your teeth.

Are they braces? Are they clear braces? Are your teeth just shaped like that? None of the questions people ask are "Do you have Invisalign?"


There's no subtle way to take your trays out.

Going to the bathroom is such a pain . . . so you hope no one is paying attention when you "click out" in public.


By day seven, you've officially grossed yourself out by how gnarly your trays have become.

Soaking the trays in a vinegar-water solution as your orthodontist instructed so isn't cutting it.


Brushing your teeth in public restrooms makes you very aware how big of a slob you are.

Seriously, why does the toothpaste always end up all over your face and clothes?


You've forgotten your toothbrush (again).

Your desk drawers have become stocked with travel-size toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes, because you can't seem to remember to pack them before you head out the door.

You vow never to misplace your trays or wear the wrong number.
Comedy Central

You vow never to misplace your trays or wear the wrong number.

But you have no friggin' clue where your retainer case is and, yep, you've been wearing 25 for the last two days even though you're supposed to be on 26. Where the hell is 26?? Ugh.

They said the treatment would take a year . . . but it's taking far, far longer than that.

They said the treatment would take a year . . . but it's taking far, far longer than that.

You've resigned yourself to believe you'll have Invisalign for the rest of your life.

Kissing with your trays in ALWAYS feels really awkward.

Kissing with your trays in ALWAYS feels really awkward.

You swear the tops of the trays are sharp enough to cut whoever it is you're kissing.

There's always something to suck out of your teeth.

There's always something to suck out of your teeth.

Ugh, sorry for the TMI.

All your middle school insecurities come out.
Paramount Pictures

All your middle school insecurities come out.

Especially your jealousy of everyone else . . . for wearing their retainers and maintaining their perfect teeth for so many years after braces.


You've never worn the trays the full 22 hours a day.

It is straight-up unrealistic and impossible. Each check-up, you go in completely afraid your orthodontist will call you out for not wearing your trays the full 22 hours. But the thought of another week of Invisalign tacked onto your plan, and you may lose your mind.

You've tried and failed to master the close-mouthed smile.

You've tried and failed to master the close-mouthed smile.

Your attempt to go for a sexy, coquettish closed-mouth smile hasn't really worked out.


You live in constant fear your trays will pop off — especially during your sleep.


Your mouth feels like it's incarcerated.

And the day your attachments come off will feel like your freedom has been restored.