14 Times Jamie Dornan Made a Totally Mundane Activity Look Hot

Feb 5 2018 - 12:00pm

We've seen quite a bit of Jamie Dornan since Fifty Shades of Grey hit theaters in 2015, and we're not complaining. Of course, it's fun to ogle all his steamy magazine and red carpet shots [1], and who wouldn't want to stare at him as he crawled on the beach in Spain [2]? Recently, though, we came to a startling conclusion about the hot actor. Even in doing the most mundane activity — like playing a round of golf [3] or making a coffee run with a mustache [4] or even just walking around town [5] — Jamie still looks really, really handsome. To help prove our point, we've assembled a collection of Jamie looking gorgeous while doing totally normal things.

Lookin' at Stuff

Also, crouching. Just look at that artful crouch.

Playing Golf

How did he manage to not look like a dorky dad or snotty corporate bigwig? We're not sure. Instead, he straight-up looks like the cover of Golf Digest.

Thinking 'Bout Stuff

Most people look like they're about to start drooling, but Jamie Dornan looks like that sculpture of that one guy who's really deep in thought [6].

Crossing His Arms

How dare he complement his arm-crossing with that irrestitible smirk? How DARE he?!

Carrying a Bundle of Laundry

You wash those delicates, Jamie Dornan.

Tying His Shoes

Tying those laces and your stomach in knots, all at once.

Holding an Umbrella

You can stand under our umbrella (ella, ella) any day, Mr. Dornan.

Using Hand-Eye Coordination

Look at that concentration! That form! The way those eyes match that sweater!

Riding a Bike in a Suit

Normally, when you see a guy riding his bike in a suit, you think he's some dweeby law firm intern.

Checking His Phone

After you tag him in that tweet, of course.

Wearing Baggy Jeans

Jamie Dornan could seriously pull any pair of pants off [7], it seems. Bell bottoms? Sure. Capris? Count us in.

Rocking a Mustache

Like, how does he manage to look like an even sexier Freddie Mercury? We were pretty sure that was impossible.

Carrying a Sharpie

You can sign anything you want, Mr. Dornan.

Shielding the Sun From His Eyes

This picture is all of us making a futile effort to find his flaws.

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