Matt Lauer Pulls Off the Ballsiest Prank on Ellen DeGeneres

Ellen DeGeneres, the queen of pranks, got the shock of her life in a parking lot, and it's all thanks to Today show host Matt Lauer. The two have been competing in a friendly prank war for weeks now, with Ellen always having the upper hand. In early March, Matt decided it was finally payback time and even asked viewers to suggest how to get revenge on the talk show host. On Thursday, he revealed a video of how he got her back: by filling her car with 20,000 ping-pong balls. Ellen's stunned reaction was priceless: "Seriously? I mean seriously?" she shouted while looking around for the culprit. She then hilariously said, "He's littering! This is against the law," and vowed to get revenge on Matt. Watch the entire prank unfold above to see Ellen trying to figure out how to drive home, and then relive some of Ellen's most memorable pranks on Justin Bieber and Jimmy Fallon.