9 TV High Schools That Would Be Awful in Reality

Aug 21 2016 - 7:00am

It's time, everyone. Summer is winding down, it's almost time to get back to school. It's an exciting time for us, though, because it also means it's time for fresh, new Fall TV shows [1]! In honor of both occasions, we thought we'd mash them together. Have you ever thought about what it would be like to attend the high school of your favorite show? We've done a lot of the guesswork for you, and it turns out, it's not always the best idea. Keep scrolling for nine totally unsafe TV high schools you would never, ever want to go to.

Sunnydale High School From Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Why It Would Suck: Sunnydale High is literally on top of a Hellmouth, which basically means it's a magnet for vampires and other demons, and that you're one thousand times more likely to run into one.

Mystic Falls High School From The Vampire Diaries

Why It Would Suck: Speaking of school flooding with vampires, we've probably never seen so many fangs anywhere else than we have at Mystic Falls High. It seems like every vampire in that town is young enough to pass as a high schooler, and plenty of students end up getting turned or killed. Wonderful, right?

Rosewood High School From Pretty Little Liars

Why It Would Suck: Are you kidding? In the time since Pretty Little Liars [2] has started, there have been an insane amount of deaths. Going to school in Rosewood would have us fearing for our lives. And that's not even taking into account all the vicious backstabbing that goes on between all the girls.

Beacon Hills High School From Teen Wolf

Why It Would Suck: We kid you not, every time something serious goes down, it happens at school. People get poisoned at lacrosse games, and the locker room gets trashed on a regular basis. Plus, it's crawling with werewolves, most of whom can't control their new powers. Needless to say, there's a lot of blood. Nope to all of that.

William McKinley High School From Glee

Why It Would Suck: Slurpies in your face. All the time. On top of that, we see some other forms of pretty severe bullying on the show. Not to mention the fact that the glee club kids are constantly singing and dancing in the halls. You'd pretty much be late to every class, and you'd probably get kicked in the face more than you'd like.

Constance Billard School For Girls From Gossip Girl

Why It Would Suck: The first thing you'd have to worry about is the wrath of Blair Waldorf. One step in her way, and she would rip you to shreds. On top of that, there's some weird, omniscient blogger who would probably know all your dirty secrets and wouldn't hesitate to let them leak. Yikes.

Degrassi High School From Degrassi: The Next Generation

Why It Would Suck: Teen drama is like, contagious at Degrassi High. Over the course of our time with these teens, we see pregnancies, rape, school shootings, eating disorders, severe bullying, STDs, murders, drug use, alcoholism, and much, much more. There's no way you'd make it through that high school in one piece.

Neptune High From Veronica Mars

Why It Would Suck: In pretty much every episode, there's some sort of mystery or conundrum that Veronica has to solve. Some of these include rapes, cults, vicious rumors . . . you get the picture. And it doesn't sound like something you want to sign up for.

Westbridge High School From Sabrina the Teenage Witch

Why It Would Suck: Most of Sabrina's spells are pretty harmless, we know, and even when she makes mistakes, they're easy to fix. But there's something about having an amateur witch at school that really screams trouble. Don't mess.

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