This Do-Anywhere, Equipment-Free Workout Works the Entire Body

Heading out of beach season and into "my favorite TV show is coming back" season, it's so important to fit in exercise whenever — and wherever — you can. And as it turns out, you can totally get a Pilates workout off the Reformer, whether you're on the couch watching your favorite shows or on the go.

We got the scoop from Ellie Houston, fitness director at Pilates ProWorks here in San Francisco, who demonstrated how you can truly do these moves anywhere. Ellie's specialty: form, precision, and body awareness. She creates challenging, low-impact workouts for her Pilates students; she created this set of four moves for you to try wherever you are.



Planks can be done wherever you are with zero equipment. What's more is that you can vary your planks and mix things up.

Ellie suggests "a forearm plank, side plank, plank with shoulder taps (right hand taps left shoulder, left hand taps right shoulder), mountain climbers (right knee tucks to right elbow, left knee tucks to left elbow), and plank leg lifts (lift right leg, then lift left leg)."

If you're watching TV, Ellie reminded us that "a one-hour TV show has an average of five commercial breaks, which are up to four minutes in length." Her tip? "Pick a different type of plank to do for the duration of each commercial break." Netflix and chi . . . seled abs.

Muscles targeted: shoulders, triceps, chest, core, and glutes

Bulgarian Split Squat

Bulgarian Split Squat

Step one: have a couch or ledge nearby to prop your back leg up.

From there, Ellie told us to "stand in front of your couch [or ledge, bench, etc.], feet hip-width apart. Step your right leg back onto couch, with your hips squared and shoulders over hips. Inhale, bending your left knee to 90 degrees, and then exhale drive through the heel of your left leg to stand. Repeat on both sides."

Muscles targeted: glutes, quads, obliques, and postural muscles

Teaser Twist

Teaser Twist

This is kind of like an advanced Russian twist and another move you can do while you're watching your show or somewhere outside on the go.

"From a seated position (on the couch or floor), lift your legs to tabletop position and hinge back at the waist until torso is at a 45-degree angle to the hips. Keeping your back straight and toes lifted off the floor, place your hands behind your head, and twist shoulders from left to right, squeezing your obliques as you twist."

Muscles targeted: back, abs, and obliques

Triceps Dips Into Reverse Plank

Triceps Dips Into Reverse Plank

Another move that simply needs a ledge, couch, or park bench: triceps dips into a reverse plank. Whoaaa! What a twist.

If you're at home, Ellie says to "sit on the couch facing the TV." From there, "place your hands next to your hips, plant your feet on the floor with your legs straight out in front. Inhale and bend your elbows, and dip your hips down towards the floor. Exhale and straighten your arms, squeezing through the triceps to extend. Lift your hips and open your chest to ceiling, squeezing your shoulder blades together until your body is a straight line from head to toe. Do not arch your back."

Muscles targeted: back, abs, and obliques