Do These 6 Things For a More Energetic Workday

Regardless of your profession, we've all been guilty of feeling sluggish at work, which is why it's important to learn how to refresh mentally and charge ahead. So whether you have five free minutes between meetings or a full lunch hour to yourself, we've identified quick and inexpensive ways to revitalize your day.

Relocate Your Meeting Outdoors
StockSnap | Gili Benita

Relocate Your Meeting Outdoors

A recent study found that lunchtime walks improved enthusiasm and relaxation at work. If your calendar is blocked with back-to-back meetings, try moving a one-on-one outside and chat while walking. That small dose of vitamin D will serve as a good mood-booster.

Stretch at Your Desk

Stretch at Your Desk

Many people spend the entire day hunched forward with round shoulders and tight backs, but a few minutes of stretching can help undo all of that bad posture. Find a spot where you can lie down and stretch out hip flexors, or at the very least, devote a few minutes to doing seated neck and back stretches. You might even inspire co-workers to join you.

Massage Your Earlobes

Massage Your Earlobes

It might sound silly, but rubbing your earlobes for a full minute has been known to improve blood circulation. Spend 60 seconds on each ear, and you'll feel an instant recharge.

Snack on High-Protein Food
POPSUGAR Photography | Nicole Perry

Snack on High-Protein Food

While caffeine-packed drinks and chocolate may seem like the answer to afternoon brain drain, they're loaded with sugar and will actually leave you more tired than ever. Healthy foods like cheese, yogurt, and nuts are packed with power-boosting protein and will give you just enough energy without the sugar crash.

Squeeze In a Lunchtime Workout
POPSUGAR Photography | Kat Borchart

Squeeze In a Lunchtime Workout

If you're able to take a lunch, zip into the restroom to change for a workout, and then get outside for a quick jog, speed walk, or stair-climbing session. Post-workout, if you don't have a shower at your office, stock up on products to freshen up, like dry shampoo, facial cleansing wipes, or a witch hazel spray.

Leave Peppermint on Your Desk

Leave Peppermint on Your Desk

Studies suggest that the menthol scent in peppermint can instantly transform your mood and even your ability to concentrate. Grab a fresh handful weekly, and place it in a mason jar on your desk.

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