Eat More of This Food For Weight-Loss Success

Mar 10 2016 - 4:10pm

Let's ask the big question: why aren't you losing weight? If you're watching what you eat, hitting the gym with at least mild regularity, and minimizing your cheat meals and veg-out sessions to about as often as your mother-in-law pays you a compliment, you should be losing weight, right? It may not be that simple. The truth about fat loss is complicated. The good news is that our pals at Under Armour's MyFitnessPal, currently the web's most popular calorie-counting app, have discovered some pretty interesting trends that successful dieters have followed to achieve results [1].

At first glance, the data doesn't seem as earth shattering as we'd all like it to be. Successful dieters followed most of the conventional rules. They ate smaller portions of better food, cut down their consumption of sugar, alcohol and processed foods, and ate less red meat. Beyond these findings, however, lies the true pearl of dieting wisdom that you may never have heard of. According to data on more than four million MyFitnessPal users, successful dieters eat 29 percent more dietary fiber on a daily basis. Before you celebrate any of these newly lean folks for their efforts, it has to be noted that even though they ate more fiber than others, they were still under the daily recommended amount of 25 grams of fiber daily for women and 38 grams for men as outlined by the Institute of Medicine [2].

The truth here is that almost nobody is getting enough fiber in their diet. Keith Cormican [3], a London-based registered dietitian, advises that some of the best fiber options are the simplest: "Opt for broccoli, quinoa, gluten-free oatmeal, spinach, and pears for a fiber boost and kick it up a notch by drinking green tea to really help get your digestion moving!"

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But what does all this mean for the dieter who wants to see the same results as those in the MyFitnessPal app? More fiber means more fat loss. Before you start downing box after tasteless box of fiber-laden cereal just to get any fiber in your diet, let's pinpoint some of the best, and tastiest, options to get quality fiber into your diet that will specifically help amp up your fat loss. According to Jenny Westerkamp, RD, coauthor of Green Foods For Men [4], getting fiber in your diet shouldn't be a chore. In fact, her picks for best fiber sources to help dieters lose even more weight might just become the foods you want to eat as snacks every day!

"Grab the 'erries' (strawberries, cherries, and blueberries)," Westerkamp told us, "because they are high in fiber and low in sugar." She went on to note that you should reach for "avocado for promoting fullness and satiety, chickpeas for a high-protein option, cauliflower because it has detoxifying properties that support weight loss, and mustard greens to improve the taste of any salad."

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