The Magic Superfood You've Never Heard Of: Moringa

Oct 17 2017 - 12:55am

Moringa has been revered among Ayurvedic circles for hundreds of years, but it's currently poised to become the hot superfood of the year. Nearly every part of the moringa oleifera, or drumstick tree, is edible and packed with vitamin C, protein, iron, and calcium. If you can't get your hands on the fresh greens yet — not to worry — you can readily take a supplement or toss a powdered version [1] into a smoothie to reap its benefits. Here's why it's worth a try:

It's a nutritional powerhouse: Moringa has been named a superfood for good reason. It is said to have three times the potassium of a banana, three times the calcium of milk, and two times the protein [2] of yogurt — three grams per tablespoon [3]! Anyone who has a tough time getting enough protein can benefit from the introduction of moringa into their diet.

It supports breastfeeding: In one study, researchers found mothers of premature babies increase their volume of breast milk [4] after ingesting moringa capsules. While the study was small, the results are promising.

It may be used to fight cancer: In addition to being potent in antioxidants [6], one study found that both the leaf and bark of the moringa plant have antimalignant properties that could be beneficial when developing new cancer drugs [7].

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