This Workout Hack Will Reveal Your Strong, Toned Arms

Jan 15 2016 - 3:25pm

Achieving toned, beautiful arms doesn't have to feel like a constant struggle, but you can't rely on cardio and light weights for dramatic results. Expert trainer, KIND spokesperson [1], and author of Strong Is the New Skinny [2] Jennifer Cohen doesn't need you to become an Olympic powerlifter, but she says you might have to get comfortable lifting more than you're used to.

Many women pine after toned arms but are afraid of lifting more than five pounds. If you want to see real results in your muscle definition, the answer lies in shocking your body with heavier weights. If you're currently strength training three or four times a week, Jennifer recommends lifting heavier weights one or two times a week in order to shock your body, build lean muscle, and achieve definition. If you tend to grab three- or five-pounders at the gym, Jennifer suggests opting for 10, 12, or 15 pounds on your heavier days. Working with lighter weights one day and heavier weights another will keep your muscles guessing so you don't plateau and continue to get stronger and stronger.

Beyond the weight you're lifting, Jennifer says consistency is key. Occasionally lifting or skipping out on your workout routine isn't going to cut it! If you're consistent with your program and continue setting (and accomplishing) new goals all the time, you're putting yourself in the perfect position to reach your goals.

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