25 Things to Do Tonight For a Healthier Tomorrow

Jul 12 2015 - 9:30am

1. Drink green tea [1] to boost your metabolism.

2. Set your alarm an hour earlier to squeeze in a morning workout [2].

3. Have sex to help beat stress and boost immunity [3].

4. Stop eating out, and pack your lunch [4] ahead of time to save money and calories.

5. Drink a glass of water [5] to help clear your skin.

6. Ditch late-night carbs [6] to lose weight; save them for breakfast instead.

7. Do a short yoga sequence [7] to de-stress and relieve anxiety.

8. Eat salmon (or other omega-3-rich foods) for dinner to help lower the risk [8] of developing breast cancer.

9. Skip sugary sweets [9] to beat belly fat.

10. Clean your gym mat [10] to fight off germs and fungus.

11. Try preparing overnight oats [11] for a grab-and-go healthy breakfast.

12. Sip on a glass of wine [12] to reduce the risk of heart attack and increase bone strength.

13. Finish your workout early (at least three hours before bedtime [13]) to help you wake up refreshed in the morning.

14. Whip up homemade energy bars [14] to have a healthy snack ready for when you hit the gym.

15. Pack a gym bag so you're ready to start your workout in the morning.

16. Enjoy a square of dark chocolate [15] to beat fatigue and lower blood pressure.

17. Keep a food journal [16] to lose weight faster.

18. Slow down your dinner; eating quickly can stop you from realizing when you're really full.

19. Detox and debloat by adding a few simple ingredients [17] to your water.

20. Pack healthy snacks [18] so you don't give in to junk-food cravings at work tomorrow.

21. Prep for sleep [19] earlier than usual to wake up with ease.

22. Find time to meditate [20] — it will help you focus and relax.

23. Try eating clean [21] to improve your energy.

24. Be body positive and give yourself some extra love [22].

25. Lighten up your favorite dish for dinner [23], and bring the leftovers to work.

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