10 Things to Never Say to a Healthy Eater

All healthy eaters have one thing in common — they can get extremely cranky. It's not easy to refrain from consuming every carb in the cabinet after a long day of Greek yogurt and salads. Although we have great self-control ("no thanks" is a staple in our vocabulary), sometimes it's just downright impossible to keep our mouths shut when it comes to moronic comments. So keep these things in mind the next time you want to question a healthy eater. Remember, we are probably starving, hangry, and would kill for a donut. You've been warned. . . . Tread lightly.

“Oh, you’re on a diet?”
New Line Cinema

“Oh, you’re on a diet?”

It’s not a diet; it’s a lifestyle!

“One cookie isn’t going to kill you.”

“One cookie isn’t going to kill you.”

Wait, it isn’t?! I’ve been walking around this whole time thinking that it would!

“You must think I eat so unhealthy.”

“You must think I eat so unhealthy.”

As long as I’m not the one eating it, I couldn’t care less!

“Just have one bite!”
Warner Bros.

“Just have one bite!”

You know just as well as I do that no one can have just one bite of pizza. NO ONE.

“Don’t you get tired of eating so healthy?”

“Don’t you get tired of eating so healthy?”

Would I love to pile my plate with pizza and cake? YES. But, call me crazy, eating healthy actually makes me feel good.

“What will happen if you eat a cupcake?”

“What will happen if you eat a cupcake?”

What will happen? I mean, I won’t die at the taste of sugar, if that’s what you’re asking.

“Live a little!”

“Live a little!”

I do! I just prefer to do it without feeling like a total blob.

“That’s all you’re eating?”

“That’s all you’re eating?”

Thanks for the reminder.

“I work out so I don’t have to eat healthy.”
Universal Pictures

“I work out so I don’t have to eat healthy.”

Let me stop you right there before you say anything else, well, stupid.