This Is How Probiotic Sodas Really Taste

POPSUGAR Photography | Dominique Astorino
POPSUGAR Photography | Dominique Astorino

We love probiotics. They're great for your gut and can ease digestive woes, can strengthen your immune system, and have even been linked to the inhibition of tumor growth.

That said, one of our favorite healthy food trends right now is the liquid iteration of these healthy bacteria strains: probiotic drinks. And while kombucha has been the star of many a health market for years — and offers many benefits similar to those of probiotic beverages — those who aren't traditionally into health foods may be a bit hesitant, if not downright averse, to the concept of kombucha. So what about these probiotic sodas? Are they like regular sodas?

We were able to taste four flavors of Obi probiotic soda, all of which offer the benefits of their water kefir base without the acidic, vinegar-like taste of kombucha. Obi probiotic sodas are what founder Ben Goodwin calls "the Trojan horse" of sodas — and the analogy totally makes sense. Take something the general public is already consuming, and make make it healthy, in the sneakiest of ways. Stealth health, if you will.

And that Trojan horse concept is how we approached our taste test. Without outwardly noting the health properties (They're organic! They're vegan! They're non-GMO! They're . . . full of bacteria!), we invited our colleagues to try a taste test of "four new soda flavors." Here's what they had to say about each one: Meyer Lemon & Lime, Organic Root Beer, Tart Cherry Vanilla Bean, and Valencia Orange & Grapefruit.

Meyer Lemon & Lime

The most refreshing drink of the bunch was related to a "light, fizzy lemonade." Those who loved lemon were big fans, with the only down votes coming from those sensitive to the taste of stevia.

Organic Root Beer

The traditional soda flavor seemed to get the seal of "pretty good" approval across the board. It was distinctively herbacious, and a bit less creamy than other root beers, with some saying, "I don't even like root beer, but this one is actually not that bad."

Tart Cherry Vanilla Bean

TCVB was perhaps the most unique flavor on offer, and seemed to be the point of heated contention, causing more polarizing opinions than a presidential election. From "Oh, Gross!" to "Tastes delightful!" and basically nothing in between, the love-hate responses rendered it a solid 3 on the scale. If you're sensitive to stevia, you might respond as one colleague of ours did with, "tastes like stevia, yuck!" and if you don't mind it, you'll likely side with another who said, "LOVE THIS."

Valencia Orange & Grapefruit

Citrusy, mildly sweet, and "not too overpowering," to some, "tastes like Emercen-C" to others. Some found it "refreshing AF," and others simply left us with an "ew . . . just ew . . ." [Editor's note: this one was my favorite; I gave it five stars!]

What it came down to for our taste testers seemed to be two things: taste preference and stevia sensitivity. Overall these sodas got a positive response, and no one noted that they tasted "too healthy" or remarked on any discernable flavor in regards to probiotics. Probiotic sodas really just taste like sodas, but they're way, WAY better for you.