Meet Rose Water, the De-Stressing Botanical Elixir of Your Dreams

POPSUGAR Photography | Dominique Astorino
POPSUGAR Photography | Dominique Astorino

When this pretty pink bottle of Soma Water and Juice Served Here's Rose Water ($24 for six 32-ounce bottles) arrived on our desk, we were a little confused. We knew that rose water has been used as a beauty product, as it's got wonderful healing properties for the skin, but we'd never heard of drinking it. We quickly learned that this soothing botanical blend of rose and aloe has some seriously powerful health properties; it's anti-inflammatory and anxiety-reducing. What's even better is that the two brands who created the water have teamed up to donate money to the water crisis in Flint, MI. Just one more reason to love this rosy elixir.

So how does it taste? The general verdict was "refreshing" — 40 percent of responses included that exact descriptor. But as with any taste test, we got mixed responses; some were too hilarious to not share. Take a look at our favorite bits of feedback.

  • "If I went to church, and drank the Holy Water, it would probably taste like this."
  • "It's like drinking a beauty product . . . I mean some people might be into that. It's VERY rosy."
  • "Tastes very clean."
  • "Refreshing and odd."
  • "Tastes like I'm drinking flowers." [Understandable — you are drinking flowers]
  • "It's nice, but it's also kinda gross. Almost like drinking makeup."
  • "It's literally like eating a rose but it's water."
  • "Rejuvenating! It's not too strong and the rose flavor is rather subtle. It's very acquired."
  • "Smooth; I would definitely drink this on the daily."
  • "If you like eating and smelling roses, you'll love this. So smooth and floral."
  • "Floral and refreshing, sweet finish. Would love this in a sweaty gym class."
