Top 10 Things You Worry About When Working Out

May 1 2015 - 8:30pm

What gives? Getting those endorphins flowing is supposed to reduce stress when we work out, but somehow anxious thoughts seem to sneak in when we're trying to enjoy this time to ourselves. Here are some common things we tend to think and fret over that can get in the way of a good workout.

Crap! Did I Leave the Oven On?

Source: PBS [1]

Definitely don't want to burn down my house for the sake of burning calories.

Are My Boobs Hanging Out?

Source: NBC [2]

I knew I should have worn a different sports bra!

When Was This Last Cleaned?

Source: NBC [3]

It's probably better if you don't even think about it.

What's With the Creep in the Corner Ogling Me?

Source: Fox [4]

Is My Butt Showing?

Source: FX [5]

Maybe low-rise yoga pants weren't a good idea after all.

Will I Ever Look That Ripped?

Source: Carousel Productions

What If I Mess Up and Everyone Sees?

Source: Netflix [6]

I Hope I Don't Look Like Her

Source: Oxygen [7]

I know we're supposed to let loose in Zumba, but there's a fine line.

When Will This Be Over?

Source: AMC [8]

Did My Trainer Just Cop a Feel?

Source: Fox [9]

Um, that is not my shoulder.

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