The Yoga-Inspired Burpee Variation You Have to Try

POPSUGAR Photography | Kat Borchart
POPSUGAR Photography | Kat Borchart

Should you do yoga or should you do burpees? Now you don't have to choose. Try this yoga-inspired burpee variation that blends Sun Salutations with the basic burpee.

Mountain Pose
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Mountain Pose

Begin with the feet together, palms pressed at the heart center.

POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson


Bend the knees deeply like you're doing Chair Pose and jump straight up, landing with the feet together.

Standing Forward Bend
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Standing Forward Bend

Fold forward, planting the palms on either side of the feet.

POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson


Jump the feet back so the body is on one straight line, shoulders over the wrists.

POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson


Bend the elbows behind you, lowering the torso so it's parallel with the floor.

Upward Facing Dog
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Upward Facing Dog

Straighten the arms, scooping the chest forward, resting on the tops of the feet and hands.

POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson


Bend the elbows behind you and roll backward onto the bottom of the toes, coming back into Chaturanga.

POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson


Straighten the arms, pressing the chest back up into a plank position (this is tough!).

Downward Facing Dog
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Downward Facing Dog

Lift the hips and press back to an upside down V shape, Down Dog.

Jump With Tucked Knees
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Jump With Tucked Knees

Pop off the balls of the feet, jumping the hips as high as you can in a donkey kick. Try to jump so high that you stack your hips over the shoulders if possible. Then land with the feet in between the hands.

Standing Forward Bend
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Standing Forward Bend

Fold forward, stretching the hamstrings and lower back.

Mountain Pose
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Mountain Pose

Stand up and get ready to jump, repeating this Down Dog burpee a total of five to 10 times.