Skip Waist Training and Try This 4-Move Workout Instead


Certain celebrities like Khloé Kardashian and Jessica Alba may swear by waist training, but the trendy practice may do more harm than good . . . or it may do nothing at all. Instead of going overboard with a restrictive and uncomfortable corset, move through this short and challenging waist-whittling sweat session from celebrity trainer Ashley Borden.

Repeat this four-move routine four to five times total. "It's OK if you can't do this routine five times in a row at first — it's hard!" said Ashley. In time, your body will build the strength and stamina necessary to make it happen, and you'll start seeing big results.

Alternating Plank Hold

Alternating Plank Hold

  • Start at the top of a push-up position with head in line with spine, shoulders away from ears, belly button pulled in toward spine, glutes tight, and legs locked and tight.
  • Maintain a strong upper-body position, and pull your right knee toward your right armpit. Then, step back to the starting plank position.
  • Repeat alternating legs for 16 reps while maintaining a quick tempo that will get your heart rate up.
Boat Core Hold

Boat Core Hold

  • Start on your back and raise knees as close to 90 degrees as your flexibility allows.
  • Tuck chin slightly and reach hands up as high as you can toward your ankles. Keep your eyes focused toward your knees.
  • From that position, reach your arms up and strong behind your ears. Reach toward the wall behind you and lock arms out.
  • Point your feet and squeeze quads straight. Lower legs as low as you can, making sure there is no arch in your lower back.
  • Keep back into the ground and belly button pulled in toward the floor for 20 seconds. Increase the length of your hold by at least one second with each round.
Side Bridge Dips

Side Bridge Dips

  • Come into a side plank on your right side, with your feet stacked one on top of the other and your weight on your right elbow with your fingers reaching away from your body, palm down. Squeeze your glutes and visualize your hip bones as laser beams that stay facing forward the whole time.
  • Visualize a towel under your waist pulling you up toward the ceiling. Open your chest, and try to pull your resting forearm toward your feet. You will feel your lats and obliques engage!
  • Slightly drop your waist down toward the floor, then bring back up to start position. Repeat 10 times on the right. Then switch sides and repeat 10 times on the left.
Bicycle Abs

Bicycle Abs

  • Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground (pull your abs down to also target your deep abs). Interlace your fingers, and put your hands behind your head.
  • Bring your knees in toward your chest, and lift your shoulder blades off the ground.
  • Straighten your right leg out to about a 45-degree angle to the ground while turning your upper body to the left, bringing your right elbow toward the left knee. Make sure your rib cage is moving and not just your elbows.
  • Switch sides, and do the same motion on the other side to create the "pedaling" motion. This completes one rep.
  • Repeat 16 reps total.

Once you've finished your first round, be sure to repeat this four-move routine at least three more times for a complete workout.