The Secret to Perfectly Textured Oatmeal

Rolled oats, while creamy, soothing, and convenient, often verge on mushy or even gluey in texture. Steel-cut oats, while nutty and toothsome, take nearly double the time to prepare as rolled, and if undercooked come off a bit gravelly. The question arises, then: how can we glean the benefits of both and simmer up a bowl of oatmeal that has exceptional texture and flavor and is convenient to boot?

Thankfully, the answer couldn't be simpler: instead of sticking to one variety or another, use equal parts steel-cut and rolled the next time you start your day off the oaten way. I've been a steadfast convert ever since I tried this ridiculously simple tip gleaned from April Bloomfield's much-loved cookbook, and I suspect once you try it for yourself, you'll follow suit. The resulting texture is simultaneously creamy and chewy, toeing the line perfectly between the pros and cons of each variety.