Make Underripe Pineapple Taste Better With This Simple Trick

POPSUGAR Photography | Anna Monette Roberts
POPSUGAR Photography | Anna Monette Roberts

Buying a pineapple can be kind of a crapshoot: it's tough to tell on appearance alone whether it'll be golden, sweet, and juicy once you carve it up. Every once in a while, you'll be surprised by a fruit that's disappointingly pale, bland, and acidic. If this happens to you, all hope is not lost: here's a (relatively) fast fix.

POPSUGAR Photography | Nicole Perry

Preheat your oven to 400°F, and line a rimmed sheet pan with parchment paper. Cut the pineapple up into chunks (or rings). Arrange the pieces in one even layer on the prepped sheet pan. Roast for 25 to 40 minutes (depending on the size of the pieces), until juicy, tender, and gently caramelized. (As when roasting anything, the flavor intensifies and, in this case, becomes sweeter and more pineapple-y.)