Check It Off! 51 Foodie Goals to Accomplish

Jan 2 2017 - 4:00am

If you're inspired to take on some culinary resolutions or just want to expand your foodie experiences of the world, look no further than this list of 51 challenges that will spark some serious palate pleasure.

  1. Clean out and reorganize your fridge [1].
  2. Make a recipe from your Pinterest [2] boards.
  3. Learn a new cooking technique [3].
  4. Go meatless [4] on Monday for a month.
  5. Flip over a fried egg [5] without the yolk breaking.
  6. Make tomato sauce [6] from scratch.
  7. Perfectly roast a whole chicken [7].
  8. Break down a chicken [8].
  9. Read a nonfiction food book [9].
  10. Slow cook [10] something.
  11. Visit a winery [11] and/or brewery.
  12. Organize (and purge) your cookbook [12] collection.
  13. Cook a new-to-you whole grain [13].
  14. Bake bread [14] from scratch.
  15. Master a family recipe.
  16. Make a layer cake [15] from scratch.
  17. Invent your own cocktail [16].
  18. Deep-fry [17] something.
  19. Cook dinner [18] at home at least three nights a week for a month.
  20. Make perfectly poached eggs [19].
  21. Host a dinner party [20].
  22. Clean out your spice rack.
  23. Make a sharpen a knife [21].
  24. Visit your neighborhood farmers market [22].
  25. Make a soufflé [23].
  26. Try at least one food that scares you.
  27. Cook a steak [24] to perfect doneness.
  28. Learn a new French knife skill [25].
  29. Pack your own lunch [26] for a week.
  30. Make homemade mac and cheese [27].
  31. Learn to cut a whole pineapple [28].
  32. Perfectly steam rice.
  33. Feast on an ethnic food you've never had before.
  34. Make hummus [29] from scratch.
  35. Organize your tupperware containers.
  36. Pack a mason jar salad [30].
  37. Create a well-stocked pantry [31].
  38. Make chicken [32] (or vegetable [33]) stock from scratch.
  39. Can/preserve [34] something.
  40. Brew coffee at home [35] for a month.
  41. Make homemade pasta [36].
  42. Flip pancakes [37] without them folding.
  43. Follow a recipe to the T without making any changes.
  44. Caramelize onions [38].
  45. Churn a pint of homemade ice cream [39].
  46. Grow [40] something.
  47. Ferment [41] something.
  48. Make an on-point French omelet [42].
  49. Clean and put away dishes immediately for a month.
  50. Find your signature drink.

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