9 Things People Are Having to Get Over Hangovers Right Now

If you woke up this morning feeling a little under the weather, know that you're not alone. All around the world, revelers are rising with a pounding headache, waves of nausea, and, after a night of wearing some serious beer goggles, 20/20 vision that's clear as day. Hangovers may be a universal experience, but each culture boasts its own cures. From simple solutions to seemingly bizarre behaviors, check out cure-all ideas from around the world. Source: Flickr user mikethemountain

China: Green Tea
Flickr user kadluba

China: Green Tea

In China, strong green tea or water with lemon is a popular next-day hangover remedy.

Romania: Tripe Soup
Flickr user lfl

Romania: Tripe Soup

Romanians turn to ciorba de burta, or tripe soup, to cure their hangovers. Cow stomach is boiled with cream, root vegetables, garlic, vinegar, and salt. The same remedy is popular in Mexico and Turkey as well.

Germany: Pickled Herring
Flickr user avlxyz

Germany: Pickled Herring

When hungover, Germans turn to rollmops, a snack of onion and gherkin wrapped in pickled herring. It's part of the German hangover breakfast known as katerfrüstück.

United States: Prairie Oyster
Flickr user mikethemountain

United States: Prairie Oyster

The counterirritant known as the prairie oyster — hot sauce, Worcestershire sauce, black pepper, and a raw egg yolk — was once the hair-of-the-dog choice in America, but it's unclear whether it was truly a hangover cure or merely a distraction.

Mexico: Seafood Cocktail
Instagram | miguej18

Mexico: Seafood Cocktail

The hangover cure in Mexico is vuelva a la vida, a wet seafood salad of shrimp, tomatoes, lime, onions, and cilantro. It literally translates as "return to life."

Japan: Pickled Preserved Plums
Flickr user mofoods

Japan: Pickled Preserved Plums

The Japanese swear by umeboshi, or pickled plums, for curing hangovers, along with other remedies such as green tea, persimmons, and miso soup with freshwater clams.

Poland: Pickle Juice
Anna Monette Roberts

Poland: Pickle Juice

In Poland, it's all about swigging sour drinks to get rid of hangovers. Poles drink sour pickle juice or soured milk.

Italy: Coffee
Susannah Chen

Italy: Coffee

In Italy, strong, homemade coffee is considered the ultimate hangover cure.

The Netherlands: Whatever You Had Last Night
Nicole Perry

The Netherlands: Whatever You Had Last Night

In the Netherlands, the cure to a bad hangover is the hair of the dog that bit the night before. Maybe it was shots of Jägermeister, maybe it was cocktails, or maybe it was just plain ol' beer.