A Professional Organizer Was the Best Gift I Ever Received

Oct 30 2017 - 11:34am

I always envisioned nesting as that final stage of pregnancy when the expectant mother camps out in the nursery, cleaning with OCD fervor and meticulously folding onesies across the surface of her swollen belly. This is not what happened to me.

I opened my eyes one Saturday morning somewhere in the middle of my second trimester, and before I even lifted my head off the pillow, I startled my husband awake by declaring, "I hate this room." It had begun. Making over the bedroom was the first in a series of nesting home improvements I had to make before I could get to the blissful newborn-clothing-folding step of making room for baby.

With its easy-to-close door, the bedroom had become a hideout for all our crap — clothing poured out of the closet and shirts and jeans without drawer space sat in homeless piles on the floor — but there was no way to shut the door on the fact that the room would not work once baby arrived. The plan was to have baby sleep in our bedroom for the first few months, but there weren't enough clutter-free feet of floor space to place a basinet. The situation felt hopeless, and as the day wore on, I became inconsolable.

It was my mother who, during a hormonal and tearful conversation, decided what I needed was a professional home organizer. It would be her treat — a first gift to the baby (and me). At first I resisted her generosity; what kind of home editor would I be if I couldn't even find storage solutions for my own apartment? Pride, however, was not going to fix the situation. I needed outside help. The next day, my mom emailed me a list of local home organizers and told me to pick one. I looked through their websites and selected Deb Ghiglieri of Get Organized by Deb [1]. From our first phone conversation, it was clear that we had great chemistry.

We scheduled an initial session, and while I had high expectations, nothing could have prepared me for how effective Deb would be. Over the course of three three-hour sessions, Deb helped us fall back in love with our bedroom and freed me to get on with my nesting.

Here are the six shockingly simple yet effective ways a professional organizer helped me regain control of my bedroom clutter:

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