All the Latin Relatives That'll Probably Come Over on Christmas Eve

Dec 23 2017 - 12:20pm

Latino families are loud and crazy and so much fun, and nothing proves this more than your holiday celebrations. Getting everyone together is exciting and really brings home how much you love all those nutty people you call your own, but let's be honest here, it also highlights how very different each person is. From that noisy aunt to the "gets louder every year" uncle, keep scrolling to find all the people who will undoubtedly be there on Noche Buena to annoy you and delight you all at the same time.

The cousin who you aren't even sure you're related to.

You know, the one who's in all of your birthday and holiday pictures [1] since you were a kid, but blood relation still hasn't been confirmed.

The grandma who cooks too much food.

She cooks because in her mind this is the one time everyone is actually going to have an honest-to-God home-cooked meal (it's like she knows you've been surviving on Trader Joe's frozen dinners).

The uncle who has had one too many.

The Coronas and rum are free flowing during holiday parties, so can you really blame him?

The kid who makes it until 11:50 p.m. before falling asleep.

We were all that kid at one point, and we all woke up the next morning questioning our life choices. You will eventually teach him the art of napping.

The aunt who has ALL of the questions.

No, I do not have a boyfriend. Yes, work is fine. No, I don't know how to cook yet. Yes, I know you're judging me for it.

The uncle who wants to dance from the minute he gets there.

The man basically comes in asking why the music isn't on yet, and you love him for that.

The family member who corrects you every time you switch from Spanish to English.

Isn't trying enough [2]?

The wild-card relative who just shows up.

Who needs an invitation when you're family or "family"?

The uncle who picks out all the good stuff from the rice.

Yes, I still love you, but that doesn't stop me from shaking my head at you. Leave some chicken for the rest of us!

The grandparent who breaks out the family albums.

You know it's inevitable, so get ready to hear the exact same stories you heard last year.

The aunt who knows all of the neighborhood gossip.

You look forward to the holidays for many reasons, but this is definitely one of them.

The godparents who you see exactly once a year.

It's like reliving your baptism/First Communion all over again.

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