5 Signs You Don't Really Like Him

Nov 4 2015 - 5:00am

Knowing whether or not you like a guy should be easy enough, but all too often I hear friends arguing a case, mostly to themselves, for why they keep seeing someone. There may be something to say for giving a guy a chance, but the longer you stay, the harder it is to leave. Here are five signs to save you from the lukewarm romance of Mr. Good Enough.

  1. "He's really nice": If you find yourself rationalizing that he's a nice guy, a good guy who you should give a chance, then be friends. Maybe he'll grow on you?
  2. He's perfect on paper: Throw the paper away, and accept that he who is perfect on paper is almost never perfect in real life — and vice versa!
  3. You forget to respond: Whether it's his email, text, IM, or call, if something else is so interesting that you forget about him, then you might as well forget him now.
  4. You like his friends better than him: If you'd rather hang out with him and his friends than with him alone (or you're using them to gain access to something), then you might be in it for the wrong reasons. Or the right!
  5. He always calls you: Unless you're playing a game, the making and breaking of plans should be fairly even.

Do you have any signs to add?

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