What Does Your Love Horoscope Look Like in May?

May 5 2014 - 3:05am

We're happy to present this excerpt from one of our favorite sites, YourTango [1]. Curious to see what your love life is going to look like this month? Read on to find out!

Welcome to YourTango's monthly love [2] horoscope column from astrologer Ellen Whitehurst! Look up your sign to see what the month of May has in store for you in the romance [3] department.

Aries (March 21 to April 20): After all the tension and tempest in your love life last month, you're really ready to rock it out during this one. Good thing too, because someone in your life (could be a sibling or a neighbor perhaps?) is chomping at the bit to see you horsing around with someone they think is just perfect for you. And, you know what? They just might be right! Give it a go, because, well, you never know. Here's what I know, and this goes for singletons and marrieds: after all the past months of feeling as if you've been swimming upstream where romance is concerned, this month you will get back in the flow. And "O" the places you'll go.

Taurus (April 21 to May 21): Da-yum your romantic prospects have been slim pickings for the last few years while serious Saturn has been sitting in your 7th House of Partners. I know that nothing's been going quite the way you wanted it in your one-on-one relationships, but, guess what? That's all about the change. This month the Sun is shining in your own sign and will hook up with powerful Pluto on May 3 bringing you some sweet (and love-ly!) relief. The Sun also hangs out with fortune-filled Jupiter on May 6 practically guaranteeing that you're going to get lucky – in every sense of that word. Nice.

Gemini (May 22 to June 21): Ohhhhh la lucky you. A New Moon in your sign will be lighting up your 1st House of Personality and Appearance on May 28, prompting others around to take new and appreciative notice of you. And you'll love all the attention too. It could be just the motivation you need to add something fresh and good for you to your daily routine. You could be adding a new love too. Or, you might be dusting off an existing one and taking it out for an invigorating and lovely spin as you circle back to all the reasons you fell for each other in the first place. Either way, open wide and say "ahhhhhhhhhh."

Cancer (June 22 to July 22): WOWZA, WOWZA, WOWZA Cancer! This month you have expansive and generous Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck (why we love him so) in your own sign while also lighting up your 1st House of Self. This aspect, combined with the goddess of love Venus taking up real estate in your 9th House of Adventure (until May 4!) will allow you to expand your own love horizons too. If you're single, then get ready to win the dating [4] game and it you're already attached then pack your bags because it's pretty possible that you and your beloved will be whooping it up somewhere out of town. Either way, you are going to feel really loved and cared for in May especially on May 6 and May 24. But the whole month is whirlwind and wonderful. Like I said, WOWZA!

Leo (July 23 to August 22): Do you have your passport ready and your party hat on? You should, because this month you have Venus, the Goddess of Good Lovin' spending most of this month in your 9th House of Adventure and Travel. This could portend you packing your bags and find love long-distance. Or, if you've recently hung out (or even hooked up) with someone from another town, state, country (you get it) then even though there may be some geographic hurdles to jump, you could decide to go ahead and pursue the relationship anyway. And that, my friend would be a very wise choice. At least that's what your stars say. If you're already attached it might be time to spice things up in the bedroom. Remember, variety is … well, you know the rest. Get steamy. Get soulful. Get your groove back. This would be that month.

To see the rest of the horoscopes, head over to YourTango: Love Horoscope For May 2014 [5]

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