5 Perks of Dating a Geek

Jun 17 2015 - 2:00pm

They were the guys you always overlooked in high school, but who turned out to be the smartest . . . and the richest (um, Bill Gates, anyone?). When it comes to dating, writing off a geeky guy is about the worst thing you could ever do. So, yeah, don't do it. Here's why they actually make awesome boyfriends:

  1. They're genuine: There's a good chance a geek has spent more time playing video games than practicing his game. And if he's used to being the dating underdog, he'll likely appreciate having you in his life.
  2. They set up your electronics: Can't get your WiFi to work? Dream of an awesome entertainment setup but frightened by cords? Find a guy who looks at setting up electronics as a form of entertainment itself.
  3. They fix your computers: Your time spent waiting in line at the Genius Bar or on the phone with technical support will drop drastically. And if they can't fix it, they know someone who can.
  4. They expand your knowledge: If you think of the Internet as a series of tubes, spending time with a computer nerd can make technology seem like less of a mystery. And if they have a thing for nonfiction books, they'll probably share what they've learned.
  5. They can find anything on the Internet: Geeks can call on their superior online research skills when you're planning a vacation or looking for a new restaurant for date night. How romantic!

Anything to add, geek-lovers?

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