16-Year-Old Girl Sues Her High School Because They Banned THIS T-Shirt

Everyone has a favorite t-shirt they love to wear, so it wasn't a surprise when 16-year-old Taylor Victor decided to don one she'd recently purchased and go to school.

What she didn't expect, however, was the major backlash [1] she faced from her teachers and the principal for her innocuous shirt. In a blog post [2], Taylor details how she was sent home from school one day because her shirt said, "Nobody knows I'm a lesbian." The 16-year-old had previously come out in the tenth grade and said the shirt just made her laugh because "pretty much everybody knows" she's a lesbian.

The vice principal and assistant principal, however, didn't find it amusing and told her the shirt was disruptive and that it could be an open invitation to sex.

"I was upset. The best way to describe it is that it was dawning on me that maybe I wasn't going to be fully able to be myself at school," she wrote.

Instead of taking to social media to vent her frustrations, Taylor and her parents decided to take action and sued the school for censorship in August. After months of back and forth, she won the free speech lawsuit this week. Not only was she victorious, but the school district, on Tuesday, also agreed to change its school dress code policy to state that a student's clothes can express their own identity and support for other students' identities.

"At the end of the day, I just want other kids to know that it's OK to be yourself at school. It's OK to stand up for what you believe in," Taylor said. "Even if what you believe in is controversial. Even if what you believe in makes your teacher or your principal uncomfortable."

You go, Taylor.

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