This Mom's Sonogram Surprise Will Move You to Tears

A mother's first glimpse of her baby is often through a sonogram, and the moment can be priceless. In Huggies's latest #CountingTheDays video, the event is even more special for Tatiana Guerra. The expectant mother lost her sight at 17, so when it came time for an ultrasound, she could hear her baby's heartbeat, but could not see what little Murilo looked like. When her doctor asked her how she imagines her son, she said, "Oh, I imagine him . . . well, his nose is like a little potato, a small mouth, a chubby little hand. I can't wait to smell him."

Knowing that the mom-to-be can't see, Tatiana's doctor secretly printed a 3D sonogram of Murilo and then asked her, "If you held him, would you feel it?" The mom's confusion turned to disbelief, laughter, and tears when her hand finally touched the unique gift. Watch her emotional response to meeting her son for the first time, and be prepared — you'll be crying too.