These Parents Forgot Their Child at a Rest Stop but What They Did Next Is Unthinkable

Accidentally leaving a child behind is terrible enough, but for a French family, that mistake was only the beginning.

While on a road trip to the French Riviera, a couple left a rest stop without their 3-year-old daughter — and then drove a full 93 miles before they realized she was missing. Worse still, they only noticed the toddler wasn't in the car after an alert was broadcast on the radio.

According to Agence France-Presse, other travelers discovered the girl and waited for her missing family to return. When no one came to claim her, they contacted the police, who released a plea on the radio. The family heard the message 45 minutes later, and the father called the police and quickly turned around to retrieve her.

The little girl, meanwhile, told authorities that "she was going to the beach, had a brother and sister, and saw her daddy's car pull away," the AFP reported.

The family didn't reunite for another two hours, and police are questioning the forgetful parents so see if "this should be taken further."