Why This Cringe-Worthy Video Might Make You Think Twice Before Doing Another Kegel

The topic of bladder leakage can be cringe-worthy, but when one-third of women — plenty of whom are new moms — suffer from pelvic floor weakness, it might just be time to come clean.

This awkward-yet-accurate commercial — which focuses on a "Leakers Anonymous" support group where one woman fears the sneezing that comes with allergy season and another former Zumba teacher is desperately crowdfunding a vaginal rejuvenation surgery — promises a better solution than, well, never laughing again.

And, no, it's not Kegels. Although it's the recommended exercise by experts, at least half of women do it incorrectly when relying on verbal or written instruction alone.

So, when a woman introduces the group to PeriCoach [1] and explains that "it's like a FitBit for your vag," that's actually a pretty on-point description. The gadget — an easy-to-use, clinician-recommended, home personal-trainer device — also comes with an app to manage your pelvic floor exercises to help stop leaking.

Sure, downloading a bladder-leakage-tracker app on your iPhone might be as embarrassing as watching this commercial, but maybe it just has to get a little worse before it gets better?

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