How a Stranger at Jo-Ann Fabric Taught 1 Tired Mom About the Power of Kindness

When Gina Murrow was standing in a long line at Jo-Ann Fabric, she was feeling rushed and tired. There were two people in front of her, plus many more behind, and she was less than pleased to be caught in line with a 4-year-old boy who was clearly completely done with this shopping trip.

"I'm ashamed to say I inwardly groaned; I was too tired to feel patient with whiney boys," she shared on Facebook. However, the woman standing in front of her didn't share the same sentiment and immediately smiled at the child and began chatting with him.

"'Gummy bears!' she exclaimed, pointing at the bag of sweets the boy was holding. 'I love the yellow ones! Which are your favorite?'" Gina recounted. "She was so warm, friendly, and inviting, immediately the boy smiled and responded. They carried on a lively conversation about candy bears and their cheerfulness began to spill over into the line."

Gina turned around and everyone who was in line behind her was also smiling. When it was this kind stranger's turn in line, she waved the mom and boy ahead of her. Gina commented how nice that was of her and the woman chuckled. "'Ah, well, it's the least I could do. He was doing well, but I could tell he was getting tired.'"

Gina then recalled how the stranger's face took on a wistful look as she watched them check out. "'My son passed,' she said softly. 'That could have been me . . . '" Gina recounted. "Then she gave herself a little shake and the conversation turned back to cheerful observations about adorable 4-year-old customers."

When the mom and child finished, the woman called goodbye to her new friend and reminded him to try her favorite yellow gummy bears. Again, Gina noticed that everyone waiting behind her was smiling due to the sweet exchange. "Here was a woman bearing a hidden pain, but she gave back joy, compassion, and kindness to everyone around her," Gina wrote. "We can learn from her example. As you go about your day look around and behind you, and see what simple kindness you can leave in your wake."