Even Though You Really Love Your Children, It's Still OK To . . .

Jun 27 2016 - 1:40pm

We love them to death, but children can be exhausting, both emotionally and physically. And moms are often guilty of feeling guilty — or of feeling guilty for not feeling guilty! We're here to say that there are a few things in parenthood that we might not want to admit but that are perfectly normal to do (or feel). None of the following means that we love our kids any less; it's more that we're doing our best to balance life and children.

Source: Flickr user Nathan Gibbs [1]

Go Back to Work

Staying at home with a babe or a brood of kids is not for everyone, so many a mama has headed back to work postpartum or after a few years. It doesn't mean you love your kids any less — you go, girl!

Source: Flickr user Victor1558 [2]

Relish Your Tot's Nap Time

A lot of mamas' favorite part of the day is when their children go down for a nap. It's just a fact, and there is nothing wrong with that!

Source: Flickr user Donnie Ray Jones [3]

Love When the School Bus Comes

If you are not one of those mommies who gets weepy when the school bus arrives, don't beat yourself up. Sure, you still cherish your moments with your child, but it's also perfectly OK to love the time off, too.

Source: Flickr user Dennis Brekke [4]

Take an Adult Vacation

Family vacations and trips are part of the package after bringing kids into the family, but taking a child-free holiday can make many a mama giddy.

Source: Flickr user Parker Knight [5]

Take a Mommy Time-Out

Kids get put in time-out all the time, but when your blood pressure is rising from the stresses of a day with your child, it's absolutely OK to enjoy your own time-out.

Source: Flickr user Johan Larsson [6]

Have a Date Day

Parents often take off for date night after the kids are tucked away in their beds, but spending time during the day with your spouse to rekindle your love — or just to run errands — can be great for the relationship.

Source: Flickr user Erin Kelly [7]

Put Daddy on Active Duty

Mama, we know you love those kids, but so does Dad, and if you're needing his help (or even if you're not), don't feel bad enlisting your man to help tackle those tots.

Source: Flickr user Caitlin Regan [8]

Not Have Anymore Children

You thought you would have at least four or five children . . . until you had one. And now you're good. Totally fine — big families aren't for everyone!

Source: Flickr user Chelsea Gomez [9]

Get Annoyed by Your Children

Children, babes through teens, have some downright annoying behaviors ("Are we there yet?"), so don't beat yourself up if your child annoys you from time to time!

Source: Flickr user eyeliam [10]

Dread Summer

Summer is one of those tricky times in a mom's life, because while she really loves her little ones, the idea of having three months with them at home all day, every day is scary!

Source: Flickr user Kevin Dooley [11]

Get a Sitter For Mom's Needs

Babysitters aren't just the occasional necessity. Getting someone to watch your tots while you head out to get a manicure or while you meet a friend for coffee is not only good for a mama's soul, but also good for your kids to have a little time without you.

Source: Flickr user Ed Yourdon [12]

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