9 Ways to Survive Your Winter Pregnancy

Dec 30 2016 - 2:22pm

Pregnancy has its ups and downs all year round, but ask any mom who's been there, and she'll tell you that every season comes with its own unique set of challenges. If you're finding yourself with a baby on board this Winter (as in, right now), you're in luck. These nine tips will help you survive — and even thrive — throughout the frigid months ahead. Stay warm, mama!

Invest in a Pair of All-Weather Boots

Platform heels and wedge booties may be stylish, but a comfortable pair of boots [1] — possibly a half size larger than your normal size if you're experiencing swelling — will keep your feet and legs warm and help stabilize you on a slushy morning.

Get a Flu Vaccine

It's not just safe, it's also recommended for pregnant women to receive the flu vaccine [2]. A study from the New England Journal of Medicine reported last year that the risk of fetal death was nearly twice as high for women who weren't vaccinated as it was for vaccinated mothers. If you haven't already done so, schedule a shot right away!

Dress in Layers

Take a cue from the comfy but chic Emily Blunt [3] and become a layering expert [4] this Winter.

The thermometer may read in the single digits, but an expectant woman's body temperature is on the rise as more blood flows through your body. Add or remove layers so that you don't overheat (or freeze!) as you make your way through the day.

Use Botanical Remedies With Caution

Winter colds are a drag, and while many women turn to herbal remedies to fight off the sniffles, researchers have not spent enough time studying the effects of echinacea on pregnancy [5] to deem it safe.

Stay Hydrated

While Summer heat is often associated with dehydration, the lack of humidity in Winter air can draw every last bit of hydration out of an expectant mama's body. Drink a minimum of eight glasses of water a day — the more, the better!

Power Up!

A long walk on a brisk Winter afternoon is an ideal way to keep your heart rate up. But if the weather's uncomfortably frigid, maintain a fitness routine by joining a gym, doing some prenatal yoga [6], or finding an indoor pool, which takes some of the pressure off of the sciatic nerve.

Don't Fear the Doctor

If something doesn't feel right, it's better to be overly cautious than to ignore symptoms. Even if you usually downplay sickness, remember, you're making decisions for two now. Winter's notorious for the frequency of stomach bugs and of course, cold and flu season. Take smart precautions, and if you need a doctor's note to stay home from work and rest up, get one!

Take It Easy

It's cold outside, you're tired, and you've got tons on your mind. Pregnancy is the perfect excuse to chill out. Use your weeknight evenings and weekend afternoons to relax and regroup. Kick your feet up, put on a good movie, and silence your phone. Once the baby's here, there's going to be a whole lot less time for days like this, so enjoy it while it lasts!

Get Yourself a Great Coat

Having been pregnant myself during the Winter in NYC, there's nothing that makes me sadder than seeing a mom on the subway struggling to zip up her coat over her baby bump when it's just not going to happen. Do yourself a favor and splurge on a great maternity coat [7] that fits — with room to grow!

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