Watch Bill Clinton's Emotional Message After Casting His Electoral College Vote For Hillary

Former President Bill Clinton cast his vote for his wife today as a member of the electoral college from New York. Shortly after voting for Hillary Clinton, he said, "I've never cast a vote I was prouder of."

In the video, an emotional Clinton discusses how hard Hillary worked for the past two years and how she prevailed through a "bogus email deal." He also blamed the Russians, as well as FBI Director James Comey, who sent a letter to Congress about another investigation into her private email server mere days before the election, for her loss. The FBI eventually decided not to go forward with charges against Secretary Clinton.

Bill Clinton also noted that "the finest vote counter in America," Nate Silver, explained what cost Hillary the election. In a series of tweets earlier this month, FiveThrityEight's Silver explained the detrimental effect the letter had on Clinton's campaign.