Donald Trump Wins New Hampshire's Republican Primary, According to the AP

Donald Trump won the Republican race of New Hampshire primary — the first primary of the presidential election — on Tuesday night, according to the AP. Current numbers show he has 34 percent of the vote; John Kasich is in second with 16 percent, while Ted Cruz and Jeb both both have 11 percent.

A significant amount of independent voters came out in New Hampshire, which could have been because of Trump's appeal to those tired of traditional government rhetoric.

"We're going to make America great again," said Trump in his victory speech, echoing one of his campaign tag lines, and listing his proposals, such as " repealing and replacing Obamacare, getting rid of common core, and preserving the second amendment."

Since 1976, the New Hampshire Republican winner has won the party nomination five out of seven times.

The first major event of this election came when Ted Cruz beat Donald Trump in Iowa's Republican caucus on Feb. 1 with 27.7 percent of the vote, versus Trump's 24.4 percent. Marco Rubio came in third, but has since lost momentum, many blaming his cringeworthy performance at the most recent Republican debate.

Projections show record voter turnout in New Hampshire, according to Politico. If that's any indication of what's in store, this election could be history-breaking. On the Democratic side, Bernie Sanders beat Hillary Clinton by a significant margin. So when's the next voting event for Republicans? Feb. 20 with another primary in South Carolina.