Watch the Best Burns and Most Ridiculous Moments From the GOP Debate

The third Republican presidential debate took place Wednesday with the candidates (Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina, Chris Christie, and John Kasich) facing off on money issues at the Coors Events Center at the University of Colorado in Boulder. See some key mic drop quotes and ridiculous moments in GIFs (via Giphy) for yourself.


Donald Trump was so humble.

"My greatest weakness is I trust people too much."


Carly Fiorina dropped the mic with her opening line.

"After the last debate I was told I didn't smile enough. But I think that these are very serious times."


Ted Cruz offered to be America's DD.

"I may not be the type of person you want to grab a beer with. But I will get you home."


Donald was Donald.


Ted Cruz dissed the Democratic debate.

"The Democratic debate — where every fawning question from the questioner was, 'Which of you is more handsome and wise?'"


Ted Cruz may have offered an edible to the moderator.

"I'll buy you a tequila, or even some of those famous Colorado brownies."


Jeb Bush got weird.

"You find a Democrat that's for cutting spending $10, I'll give 'em a warm kiss."


Marco Rubio used the debate as free advertising.

"I'm using it to pay off my loans, and it's available in paperback."


Ben Carson made it clear he does not want to be on the Internet (oops).

"If someone put me on their homepage, they did it without my permission."


Donald Trump shared his gun strategy.

"I do carry on occasion, sometimes a lot, but I like to be unpredictable so that people don’t know exactly when I’m carrying."


Mike Huckabee showed his support for Donald Trump's tie.

"I'm wearing a Trump tie tonight — get over that one."


Rand Paul may be an ophthalmologist, but he said he wants an invisible government.

"I want a government so small I can barely see it."