Dec 1 2014 - 3:10pm

Bruléed Banana

C&J Nutrition [1]


  1. 1 large ripe banana, sliced in half lengthwise
    2 teaspoons coconut oil
    2 pinches of powdered ginger


  1. Drizzle the 1 teaspoon oil over each of the cut sides of the banana.
  2. Sprinkle a pinch of ginger on top of each.
  3. Place under a high broiler until the banana slices are golden, about 3 minutes.

Calories: 160.1
Protein: 1.482 grams
Carbohydrate: 31.1 grams
Dietary Fiber: 3.536 grams
Total Sugars: 16.6 grams
Total Fat: 4.978 grams
Saturated Fat: 4.07 grams

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