10 Career Milestones You Should've Achieved by 30

Hitting 30 is a milestone, and by now, you probably have a number of years of work experience under your belt. You experienced a big transitional stage in your 20s as you moved up the ranks from intern to, possibly, a position that manages interns. Time sure passes by quickly — here are some milestones you've probably achieved in the past decade.

1. Been the overenthusiastic intern

Source: Nickelodeon

2. Mentored an overenthusiastic intern

Source: NBC

Did I really look like that?

3. Gotten used to receiving compliments

Keep 'em coming.

4. Gotten used to receiving criticism

Source: Make a Meme

Constructive feedback!

5. Argued your case for a promotion or raise. Remember: you don't get it if you don't ask

6. Struggled over adding co-workers on Facebook

Source: Fox

To add or not to add . . .

7. Had a win at work that made you feel like this

Source: ABC

8. Felt the sting of a job rejection

Source: Fox

Ouch. But you got up and bounced back.

9. Created a résumé that's not padded

Yep, taking Microsoft Word off your résumé was a good call.

10. Figured out the mysterious 401(k) speak