Can Cola Really Clean Your Toilet?

Aug 12 2014 - 7:00am

Have an unsightly toilet bowl? Hard-water stains, lime, and minerals can leave your commode not looking so fresh — even after serious scrubbing. We found this cleaning suggestion on Pinterest [1] and had to give it a try. But does pouring a bit of a popular beverage in your toilet bowl really work? We put it to the test to find out.

  1. Start by giving your toilet bowl a quick scrub, and then pour a 16-ounce bottle of cola in the bowl. Let it sit for an hour.

  1. Cola is acidic and contains phosphoric acid, which breaks down stains and buildup, leaving a sparkling clean toilet bowl. After another quick scrub and a flush, we couldn't believe how clean our commode was — no harsh chemicals or scrubbing involved!

  1. This cleaning method is safe to use as often as needed and can be finished with a spritz of your favorite air freshener [2] for a really fabulously clean bathroom.

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