Household Cleaners That Should Never Be Mixed

You might think you're creating something so smart by mixing different household cleaners together, but it's actually quite dangerous. There are several items you probably have in your cleaning stash that should never be combined. Ever. These combos create toxic fumes that can cause serious damage — which is the last thing anyone wants while scrubbing the toilet. Be safe and keep the following household cleaners away from each other.

  • Bleach with acid-based toilet bowl cleaners: When the two are mixed together, they create toxic fumes. If your toilet bowl cleaner isn't leaving your commode sparkling white, try this method of cleaning that might surprise you.
  • Chlorine bleach with vinegar: Chlorine and any type of acid is not safe. And because vinegar is a type of acid, the combo creates a toxic chlorine vapor when mixed.
  • Bleach with ammonia: This combo creates potentially lethal vapors, mainly chloramine, which can irritate eyes but is dangerous when inhaled.
  • Rubbing alcohol and bleach: This combo is a big no-no, resulting in the production of chloroform and hydrochloric acid, proving that it's probably best to just use bleach all on its own. Just don't do it.
  • Two different cleaners: You might think mixing your favorite window cleaner with a touch of all-purpose cleaner is smart, but each cleaning solution is made for a specific purpose — and some ingredients might not mix together.
  • Bleach and store-brand cleaners: Just put that bleach down. Adding it to your favorite cleaner can create toxic fumes.
  • Two types of drain cleaners: OK, if one cleaner doesn't do the trick, adding a second can result in a really bad situation. Some are high in hydrochloric acid while others might contain bleach, creating chlorine gas, which is not good. Try this natural solution.

If you think you may have mixed two unsafe chemicals together and are concerned you have exposed yourself to toxic fumes, close the door to the room or open a window, move away from the location, and call Poison Control for assistance: 1-800-222-1222