Smell Amazing With Essential Oil Laundry Detergent

Jan 12 2016 - 6:00am

Take basic DIY [1] laundry detergent to a whole new level by adding your favorite essential oils. Along with cleaning your clothes, the extra boost of scent leaves your laundry especially fresh — and extralovely. Naturally antibacterial, essential oils add helpful goodness to this detergent. Store in an old milk jug and a useful minicontainer, which makes it easy to take when hitting the laundromat or traveling.

What You'll Need:


  1. Grate the soap into the mixing bowl, and add the borax and washing soda. You can use any kind of soap, but we recommend Fels-Naptha or Dr. Bronner's. The soap, borax, and washing soda mix together to create an effective and gentle cleaner. Whisk to distribute.
  2. Pour four cups boiling water over the mixture, and whisk until the grated soap melts, which can take a few minutes.

  1. Now add the essential oils, using only one scent or mixing your favorites together. Give it a whisk, and then use a funnel as needed to pour the detergent into a large container. We found an empty gallon container of milk worked wonderfully. Then fill with water.

  1. Use as your regular detergent, and enjoy the fresh scent of your homemade cleaner!

Makes one gallon of laundry detergent. For best results, store out of sunlight and gently shake before each use.

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