Take a Day Off of Work and Do These 10 Things Instead

Everyone needs to take a break from time to time, so we partnered with International Delight® to highlight simple things you can do to achieve balance.

We have all had those rough days when you lose your keys or get stuck in heinous traffic on your way home from work — they're disruptive and they can totally affect your mood. But you can undo all of that stress by hitting pause and indulging in a mental vacation. Here are 10 things you can do to unwind and recharge.

Take a Nap
StockSnap | Elisabet Dominguez

Take a Nap

When is the last time you gave yourself permission to take an afternoon nap? If the question is too hard to answer, then you definitely deserve one. Turn all of your devices on silent and bask in the glory that is a midday snooze.

Rewatch Your Favorite Comedy

Rewatch Your Favorite Comedy

Laughter is the best medicine, so if Tina Fey is your spirit animal, queue up old episodes of 30 Rock and head over to the couch. Just be sure to cut yourself off before you enter binge-watching territory.

Sip an Iced Coffee

Sip an Iced Coffee

Take a much-needed time-out and treat yourself to a refreshing cup of iced coffee. The caffeine will give you energy while the tasty beverage will make you — and your palate — happy. 

Read a Book
POPSUGAR Photography | Jae Payne

Read a Book

Let your thoughts wonder as you dive into that book you've been meaning to read. Place your phone far away so that there are no distractions.

Go on the Swings
StockSnap | Jamie King

Go on the Swings

This throwback juvenile activity is all about letting go. Hop on the swings and you'll be instantly reminded of the days when you were young and stress free.

Walk Barefoot in Nature

Walk Barefoot in Nature

Remove your shoes and socks and reconnect with nature while clearing your thoughts. Let your toes soak into the wet sand or grass for extra mood-boosting potential.

Try Acupressure

Try Acupressure

Acupressure is a type of bodywork therapy based on the concept of energy. Even if you're not familiar with the practice, you can experiment with it by pushing on the acupressure point between your eyebrows for 30 seconds. This should make you feel calm.

Set Aside Time For Yoga
POPSUGAR Photography | Louisa Larson

Set Aside Time For Yoga

Whether you consider yourself a novice to the practice or total yogi, dedicated yoga stretches are known to help people unwind, release tension, and focus.

Take a Warm Bath With Epsom Salts

Take a Warm Bath With Epsom Salts

Ease sore muscles and relax the mind by soaking in a tub filled with Epsom salts. The salt restores magnesium and sulfate levels in your body, which helps you feel at ease.

Listen to Soothing Music

Listen to Soothing Music

Tranquil tunes have been used for a long time as a way to quiet the mind. While fast-paced music makes you feel energized, slow rhythms can help you achieve bliss.

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