Doctor Who Paintings We Love With Both Our Hearts

Mar 31 2014 - 5:54am

The Twelfth Doctor [1] is deep in production now, but fan love for the mighty Eleven [2] isn't about to dissolve anytime soon. This image of the most recent Doctor-companion duo to grace our screens stopped us in our tracks. That isn't a press photo. Look again. What you see here is an ode to the fearsome twosome as a digital painting [3].

This is the work of Truman, also known as jht888 on DeviantArt [4] — a digital portrait artist specializing in fandom works. All of the artist's work can be purchased as prints on Redbubble [5].

Scroll down for an early look at the Doctor and Clara, which took nine hours to create using Photoshop CS5 and a Wacom Bamboo tablet, as well as more Doctor Who portraits.

The Doctor and Clara before [6]

David Tennant [7]

Amy Pond [8]

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