19 Struggles of Using a Chip Reader . . . and Failing

Without being overly dramatic, the widespread introduction of the card chip reader is ruining our lives. OK maybe that was a tiny bit dramatic, but the adoption of the chip reader in lieu of the usual swipe has caused a lot of confusion for shoppers everywhere. Not only that, but the chip reader causes even more chaos when it suddenly (but frequently) decides to stop working, at which point shoppers must use the swipe.

If you've experienced this vicious cycle one too many times — or have been on the receiving end of it as a cashier — you'll relate to these spot-on reactions ahead.

When using the chip reader ruins your dinner plans.

When it forces you to make new friends.

When you just can't seem to get it right.

When you become a burden to shoppers around you.

When you foresee a long checkout experience.

When the chip reader fills you with anxiety.

When it starts to hold you hostage.

When your checkout experience suddenly becomes NSFW.

When you try your best to prevent disasters while using it.

When it starts to become a national problem.

When you don't understand its ways — and don't care to.

When it gives you buyer's remorse.

When you feel your life passing right by you.

When using the chip reader gets dark.

When something good happens for once.

When the future has arrived and you don't like it one bit.

When you realize you're living in a suspenseful thriller and this is your life now.