Say What?! You Can Post to Facebook When You're Not on Facebook

Jul 31 2014 - 5:45pm

Source: Shutterstock [1]

Here's a Facebook tip you probably didn't know about: you don't actually have to be on Facebook to post a status. Say what?

That's because you have access to something called a "post-by-email" address that you can use to post text, photos, or videos to your account from your phone. So if you're traveling, say, and have no Facebook access or really slow WiFi, you can still keep friends posted on your awesome life by sending an email to this special address.

To find your post-by-email address [2], start by clicking at the top right of any Facebook page — where you see an arrow for a drop-down menu. Hit "Settings," and on the left side of the screen, click "Mobile." The post-by-email address will be listed at the bottom of your mobile information. (Note that this will only work once you've set up Facebook texts by adding your phone number.)

Here are more instructions from Facebook: "To add a caption to your photo or video, include a subject in the email. If you don't include any photos or videos, the email subject will be your updated status." As for your privacy settings? "Photos and videos uploaded by email are public by default, but you can always change the privacy setting of any photo album."

Mind = blown.

Source: MTV [3]

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