Love-Filled Quotes From Sci-Fi Romantics

Feb 14 2016 - 5:00am

Ah, love. Whether it's found on board an intergalactic spaceship, while running from a zombie invasion, or amid a battle of good vs. evil, love can be discovered in any science-fiction scenario. We've pulled together a sampling of our favorite sci-fi character quotes on L-O-V-E in time for Valentine's Day.

Now, this list is in no way exhaustive: we want to hear what your favorite lines about love are, whether it's from one character to the object of their affection or an observation of this sweetest of feelings. Just anything about the emotion that humans and aliens alike search the galaxies for.

Doctor Who

Future Amy: The look on your face when you carried her . . . me . . . her. When you carried her, you used to look at me like that. I'd forgotten how much you loved me. I'd forgotten how much I loved being her. Amy Pond in the TARDIS with Rory Williams.
Rory: I'm sorry, I can't do this.
Future Amy: If you love me, don't let me in. Open that door, I will. I'll come in. I don't want to die. I won't bow out bravely. I'll scream and fight to the end.
Rory: Amy. Amy, I love you.
Future Amy: I love you, too. Don't let me in. Tell Amy, your Amy, I'm giving her the days. The days with you. Days to come. The days I can't have. Take them please. I'm giving her my days.

The Empire Strikes Back

Princess Leia: I love you.
Han Solo: I know.

Star Trek: Nemesis

Captain Picard: Will Riker, you have been my trusted right arm for 15 years. You have kept my course true and steady. Deanna Troi, you've been my guide and my conscience. You have helped me recognize the better parts of myself. You are my family. And in best maritime tradition, I wish you both clear horizons. My good friends . . . make it so.


Columbus: . . . Almost as scary as Anaconda . . . went to my first dance. Sadie Hawkins, so it was ladies' choice . . .
Wichita: And nobody picked you?
Columbus: Well, it was ladies' choice.
Wichita: No! Those b*tches! No, I will not stand for this . . . On behalf of all the eighth-grade girls, I would like to dance with you.

Star Trek: The Original Series

Captain Kirk: And you'll learn something about men and women, the way they're supposed to be. Caring for each other, being happy with each other, being good to each other. That's what we call . . . love. You'll like that, too, a lot.

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Arwen: Do you remember when we first met?
Aragorn: I thought I had wandered into a dream.
Arwen: Long years have passed. You did not have the cares you carry now. Do you remember what I told you?
Aragorn: You said you'd bind yourself to me, forsaking the immortal life of your people.
Arwen: And to that I hold. I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone . . . I choose a mortal life.
Aragorn: You cannot give me this.
Arwen: It is mine to give to whom I will. Like my heart.

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