It's Really Happening: Star Wars Shoes by Vans

May 4 2014 - 9:13am

Let's see . . . we've got Star Wars leggings and nightgowns [1], and now, you can wear the Force on your feet.

In a new fab collab, Vault by Vans is teaming up with the movie franchise for a limited-edition, six-piece [2] shoe collection to be released on — you guessed it — May 4.

In an effort not to choose teams (ha!), the line will feature iconic characters from both the Dark and the Light sides mixed with rare Vans prints from the 1980s. There's a bright Miami-inspired Imperial AT-AT design, a pirate skull and bones print for Darth Vader and stormtroopers, an all-white style for Yoda, and all-black one for Darth Vader. Oh, and Boba Fett? He gets camouflage. Yoda? Aloha print.

Faithful fans can buy the kicks at certain stores in New York, Boston, and Los Angeles and online at Vans.com [3].

Hurry, though — less than 300 pairs of each style will be produced. If they run out before you can buy, there's the next best thing: a line of clothes in the same styles.

Good luck!

Source: DQM [4]

Source: Vans [5]

Source: DQM [6]

Source: DQM [7]

Source: DQM [8]

Source: DQM [9]

Source: DQM [10]

Source: DQM [11]

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