Google Maps Now Lists Nearby Uber Rides

On Google Maps of the past, you could find your way to a destination via car, public transit, bike, or walking, but as of this week, you can now find a ride on Uber, too. If you have the Uber app downloaded on your iOS or Android device, you will see Uber listed as an alternative option to walking and transit directions. Tap "Get an Uber" at the bottom of the screen, and you'll instantly be taken to the Uber app.

In addition, Google made a few more additions to its mobile apps this week:

  • Know which lane to be in while following navigation so you don't have to make a hasty lane change.
  • Save maps offline with a tap when looking at the area in question on the app. Tap "Save map to use offline," give it a name you'll remember, and find the map again even without a data connection when you select the profile icon next to the search box at the top.
  • Save places to Google Maps across all your devices when signed into a Google account.