Sep 4 2008 - 11:15am

Rum-Spiked Watermelon

Original Recipe

Rum-Spiked Watermelon


  1. 1 large watermelon
    1 750-ml bottle of white rum, chilled
    2-3 large Ziploc bags


  1. At least 4 hours before serving, cut up the watermelon. Discarding the rind, cut the flesh into single-serving triangular slices.
  2. Divide the slices between 2-3 Ziploc bags (however many you need) and pour an equal amount of rum into each bag.
  3. Place bags in a cooler and let sit for at least 4 hours.
  4. Remove watermelon from bag and discard excess liquid. Serve slices in a bowl or on a plate.

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